Friday, March 27, 2009

Stylishly Sickening Sauna Ciga-Tea

While not perfect Sauna is a sublime viewing experience with an atmosphere that enables the suspense and heightens the horror appeal. The acting and photography are superb even tho the plot sways and resolution comes crashes all too soon. Definitely an intriguing watch.

Rampo jigoku is high on style and medium on substance. Based on 4 short stories by Rampo Edogawa, the 2:15 runtime is lavishly loaded with unforgettable imagery, blood, and deviant behavior mostly commanded by my fave man-crush Tadanobu Asano, who is lots terrific here. All that said the stories a tad disjointed and flat at times. But a solid watch if you're looking for something different with your disgusting.

I consider Weirdsville one of those flicks that sounded good on paper and someone thought it'd make a wacky lo-budget fun little film. I can think of few that fit that bill however this is not one of them. Not that it's bad but it just isn't all that interesting by the time the end comes. A whole lotta meh. Wish Taryn Manning had more to do here than lay in bed most of the film. Jordan Prentice is great here.

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