Sunday, September 20, 2009

Graceful Space Invading

Recorded The Man From Planet X on TCM and made for ideal early morning viewing. Decided I really love 50s Sci-Fi.

Hopefully I finish Alien Trespass on Watch Instantly, which is a throw-back to 50s Sci-Fi and is indeed charming. OK, I did watch the rest and the first half is much stronger than the second. But still cool... wish it had been in b&w. Side note: poster on the wall of one of the kids MAN FROM PLANET X! That was a LOL.

Also wrapped Grace which is just fucked up and creepy as all get out. Dear god this movie freaked me out... by 15min into it I was wigged and couldn't finish it by 30min mark. But I braved the rest this evening. A must see unless you're pregnant and expecting. Damn good movie but wow.

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