Sunday, March 13, 2011

Damn Cats and Their Magic Hats

Have thèse Val Lewton DVD sets from the library so knocking a few of them out. Jacques Tourneur's Cat People (1942) I like a lot but The Curse of the Cat People (1944) just isn't all that. Not terrible but not compelling. Maybe if Tourneur had directed? Scored 7/10 & 6/10 respectively.

Between those caught another Hammer suspense film Joseph Losey's These Are the Damned (1963) which is pretty damned entertaining. Har har. Love Oliver Reed and his Rockers motorcycle gang (such a catchy theme song they have! The sci-fi departure is also quite welcoming. 7.2/10

The Adjustment Bureau (2011) was a pleasant surprise. Not that I was expecting this sci-fi thriller to be bad, it just didn't have a lot of chatter. But this is the kind of extended Twilight Zone episode that just nails it for me. How the story unravels really makes it more ideal for a serial rather than compressing it into 90 minutes. Very reminiscent of The Prisoner. Really love this movie, Matt Damon, and Emily Blunt, maybe the best I've seen her. Guess a lot of people really hated this but it just worked for me. 8/10

Lastly watched Luigi Cozzi's Contamination (1980) and most of the commentary. This is such a fun film. Near perfect levels of cheap yet good effects. That's what drew me to listen to the commentary. But not a good film just one that's very entertaining because of that. 6.8/10

  • March New: 33
  • March Re-watch: 1
  • March '11 Total: 34
  • March '10 Total: 75
  • 2011 TOTAL: 195

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