Thursday, December 24, 2009

Rise & Fall of the Sword

More kudos to Netflix Instant Watch for providing a couple more 2009 films to round out my year. First in was Humpday, a decent little film that deserves some attention. Enough quirkiness and awkwardness to make the plot work it's worth adding to your queue if you dig indie comedies.

Next was the science fiction indie oddity called Ink. Heard good things about this film but found the convoluted story and digital video quality distracting. There is something interesting here but needs some ironing to work on the wrinkles (in addition to a bigger budget). But not bad for a small budget sci-fi flick.

Staying on Instant Watch, attempted to watch Samurai Princess (2009) but like many Japanese films available it is the English dubbed version. Horrible. So I requested the DVD. Can sum it up by saying that the cover art is much better than the film. But it ain't terrible and certainly nowhere close to being as bad as Blood: The Last Vampire.

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