Sunday, August 29, 2010

Don't Touch My Twinkies

Kinda sad that my 500th film watched this year is The Final Destination (2009). This is franchise that I gave up on before it became a franchise (hated the first film so much I wanted to walk out of the theater). But hey my library had it so what the hell... and ya know what? I didn't hate this film. It isn't great but the kills are fine. Maybe my opinion has softened? 5/10

Behind on this but did attempt once before but the disc didn't work. But now I can cross off the list Jon Chu's Step Up 2: The Streets (2008). Pretty much as I expected but not enough Moose! Cute. Forgettable. 6/10

Dipped back into my NWI queue for Zombie Death House, which is really just Death House (1987). Really not a good zombie film about experiments done on prisoners making them into zombie-like monsters. But hey it was directed by John Saxon so I had to watch it. 4.5/10
  • August New: 50
  • August Re-watch: 11
  • August Total: 61
  • 2010 TOTAL: 502

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